Vastu Tips For A Successful Career



Career is arguably one of the most important things in anybody’s life.

Career is what all of us – eventually – try to build all the years while attending school, college and enrolling for higher studies.

There are numerous cases – and I am sure that you may have observed some of them yourself – in which a colleague or an acquaintance – who wasn’t academically as awesome as his fellows – leads a richer, more successful, happier and abundant life.

Also, on the other hand you’ll probably – and with a very good chance – find people whom you thought will lead a very good, rich and happy life, but you were shocked to hear from a “trusted source” of yours that it’s actually not the case.

In fact he/she is in misery, debt, problems and is leading a very unhappy and depressed life.

In other words he/she now sounds like “the biggest loser” you’ve ever known.

Vastu Tips For Successful Career

Now, sit back, relax and think for a moment about the reason(s) that may have changed the life of both types of people that I’ve mentioned above.

Try to understand the reason due to which “a 100% bound to be loser” became a successful person and “the one who was born to be a winner” ends up being a complete failure.

Luck! Is that what you’re thinking?

Yes, you’re somewhat correct; luck is one of the factors, but, luck – all by itself – isn’t enough, there’s got to be something more than just luck; and that “something more” is the support and help which the “now winner” gets from energies that surrounds him.

Yes; now we’re talking!

So, the next BIG question is, why and how the energies are helping one guy and not supporting (in fact, may be degrading) the other?

The answer to that is “Vastu Shastra”.

The one who’s getting the support is living and working in a vastu compliant home and office, whereas, the other one dwells in vastu non-compliant home and/or office.

At this point, I assume, you know that vastu shastra is the science of balancing energies, hence, in other words, if you’re living in a vastu compliant home, then it’s for sure that energies will extend their help and push you towards your betterment (however, it’s all up to you what you actually want to do with that “divine help”– after all, you can lead a horse to water, but can’t make it drink).

Hence, you must – and MUST I mean – live at places that are as per rules and regulations of vastu shastra, be it home or office.

Ok, I know, you have lesser choices when it comes to office, but at least manage your workplace to make it as much vastu compliant as possible.

Similarly, for students, the study room must be in such a way that they get the best support of energies and that’s possible only when their study room is as per rules and regulations of vastu shastra.

So, if you’re a student or parent (who wants to learn about study room vastu shastra for their kid) then read our article @ A Vastu Compliant Study Room – A Room for Concentration

Coming back to office folks (employees and employers both), there are certain vastu shastra tips (that I am going to tell you now) which – if applied correctly – may skyrocket your career or business like you’ve never thought before.

So without any delay, let’s dive right in and learn all the vastu tips for career.

Vastu Tips for Career – What Not to Do

  1. Never sit under a beam
  2. Avoid sitting with your back towards an entrance door.
  3. Never hang posters or scenery of water body on a wall behind you; it denotes lack of support.
  4. Never sit cross legged.
  5. Avoid circular, oval or irregular shaped furniture at workplace.
  6. Avoid cluttered workplace.
  7. Avoid congested places for working.
  8. Avoid noisy offices.
  9. Avoid metal or plastic furniture.
  10. Avoid sharp edged or pointed furniture.
  11. Never hang negative pictures, such as, war, violence, crying baby or lady etc.
  12. Never keep the workplace in pitch dark.
  13. For home office, make sure that the master bedroom and office room aren’t adjacent.

Vastu Tips for Career – What You MUST Do

  1. While working, a wall behind your back represents support.
  2. On the wall behind you, hang a poster of mountains. This strengthens support.
  3. An open space ahead you, while working, represents openness and new ideas will come to you.
  4. For conference rooms, try to sit at the SW corner and this must be the farthest from the entrance of conference room.
  5. The furniture must be either square or rectangular. Square is better.
  6. Wooden furniture is considered best.
  7. If your workplace is in West, you can buy a glass-top table.
  8. If any of the furniture is broken, either get it repaired or change it immediately.
  9. Make sure that you have high back chairs. They signify support and are good medically.
  10. Fix any leaking taps or water faucets as they signify loss of money.
  11. Face either East or North while doing business. North is better for monetary gains.
  12. Keeping plants in SE corner of office supports business and money growth.
  13. You can also place or light a lamp in the SE part of office. This will attract money and good luck.
  14. Always keep your office well lit.
  15. Try to keep fresh flowers in East side of your office.
  16. Heat generating instruments such as, computers, machines, heaters etc. must be kept in SE.
  17. If you’re an artist, student, or writer etc. then make sure that your room is away from all distractions. (Students must read our vastu tips for study room).
  18. If you’re the owner of a business or CEO of a company then make sure that you get the SW room at office and you sit in the SW corner of this room with your face in North.
  19. Keep the NE part of your workplace clean and tidy.
  20. Keep finished products (if you’re in manufacturing) in NW; this speeds up selling.
  21. Make sure that the center of room is open and free.
  22. Make sure that all windows and doors are clean.
  23. You can place a water fountain in NE of your table or in your office cabin.

Having the knowledge and guidelines in your mind now, I believe that you’ll apply above mentioned vastu tips for career and get benefited by them.

Apart from all this, mirrors play a very crucial role in vastu shastra and can be used to attract money and wealth. Read more about it @ Vastu Shastra for Mirrors.

Also, if you want to attract more and more wealth and money towards you, then you MUST READ our article on 21 Vastu Tips To Attract Money & Wealth.

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