Vastu Shastra and Directions



Many people are often confused when it comes to finding the direction to which their house is facing.

In fact there are many who believe that finding the right facing of their home is actually tough, but let me tell you something; finding the correct facing or direction of a house is very – in fact extremely – easy and in no way a “rocket science”.

Vastu and Directions – How to correctly identify the facing of your home:

Step 1: Stand at the entrance door of your home facing outside (as if you’re going out of your home).
Step 2: Record the direction you are facing, using a compass, while you are in the position mentioned in step 1.
and there you are, the direction that you have just noted in step 2 is the direction your house faces.

Hence, if while coming out of your home, you face North – then you have a North facing house; similarly if you face South while coming out of your home, then you have a South facing house.

And that’s pretty much to it when it comes to finding the facing of your home.

Here, I must make it clear to you that there are many instances when people think – or are made to trust – that the direction in which you face while entering your home is the facing of your house and that’s completely wrong.

Now, it doesn’t takes to be a genius to determine that a house can face in any of 8 directions. Out of these eight directions 4 are main and remaining 4 are sub-directions.

Here are the four main directions: We all learn this in our childhood. 🙂

  1. North
  2. South
  3. East
  4. West

And these are 4 sub-directions

  1. North-East
  2. North-West
  3. South-East
  4. South-West

The 4 sub-directions have a lot of priority and importance in vastu shastra as they are the ones where the bedroom, kitchen, living room, guest room etc. must be placed in your home.

The point is that you need to not only identify the direction that your house faces but also all the 4 sub-directions to make your home a vastu compliant one.

So without any delay, let’s see how you can easily identify all the 4 sub-directions.

Sub-directions in Vastu – How to Identify Them

In order to identify all the sub-directions, the first thing that you need to know is the main directions and that you can do as I’ve mentioned above in the previous section of this very same article.

Having marked the main directions i.e. North, South, East and West here’s the simplest way to mark the 4 sub-directions

  1. The place where the North and East sides meet is the North-East corner.
  2. The point at which the South and East sides meet is the South-East corner.
  3. The corner where South and West meet is the South-West corner and
  4. North-West corner is the one where West meets North.

Here’s a graphical representation that’ll – I believe – help you big time.

Main and Sub-Directions Vastu Shastra

It’s that simple, isn’t it?

As I’ve said earlier that sub-directions are of paramount importance in vastu shastra, I now want you to completely understand why I’ve said so. Let’s understand this one by one.

North-East corner – Its importance in vastu shastra

The North-East (NE) corner is the one where the North and East sides meet; NE corner is ruled by planet Jupiter and water element.

Here I must also tell you that Jupiter is also known as “Guru” and as per vastu shastra a Guru is like God.

That’s why NE is also known as “Eshan” or “God’s” corner.

The NE corner is best suited for a Pooja/prayer room in a home.

However, you can also have a living room in this place.

Now, having anything else such as bedroom, kitchen or toilet etc. in the NE corner is a vastu defect (dosha) and that – must be – corrected. You can read about NE vastu defects @ North-East vastu defects and their remedies.

South-East Corner – What’s important about it?

The Sout-East (SE) corner is the one where the South and East sides meet; this corner is ruled by “Venus” and “Fire” element and is known as the “Fire” or “Agni” corner.

The SE is best suited for a kitchen in a home and having anything else such as bedroom, toilet or living room is a huge vastu defect.

To know more on vastu defects that a SE corner can have read our article @ South-East Corner – The defects and remedies.

South-West Corner – Why it’s important in Vastu Shastra

The South-West (SW) corner is where the South and West sides meet; it’s ruled by “Earth” element and “Rahu” planet.

It’s also known as the “Nairutya” corner.

SW is best suited for a master bedroom in a home; again, having anything else in SW is vastu defect and needs – immediate – correction.

To know more in SW vastu defects and related remedies head right to South-West corner – The Defects It May Have and Related Remedies.

North-West Corner – What Vastu Says About It

The North-West (NW) corner is where the North and West sides meet; it’s ruled by “Air” element and “Moon”; it’s called as “Vayu” or “Air” corner.

NW is best suited for a kitchen, a bedroom or even a living room.

Having said that, there are vastu defects that can occur in NW of a home; read more about them @ North-West vastu doshas and corrective measures you must take.

Having understood the directions and sub-directions that your house has, I believe that you’re now ready to make your home a vastu compliant one.

To start the ball rolling, head right to our article that’ll guide you in making your home vastu compliant @ Vastu For Home – How You Can Do It Right Now!

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